Chris Anderson with Will Hearst: The Long Time Tail
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - May 12, 2006
Chris Anderson defines the exact shape of the still emerging opportunity space for finding and selling formerly unfindable and unsellable items of every imaginable description.
John Baez: Zooming Out in Time
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - October 13, 2006
The graphs we see these days, John Baez began, all look vertical carbon burning shooting up, CO2 in the air shooting up, global temperature shooting up, and population still shooting up. How can we understand what really going on?
Stewart Brand: Rethinking Green
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - October 13, 2009
Brand argues that taking account of the emerging global forces of climate change, urbanization, and biotechnology forces a rethink of some traditional environmental positions.
Edward Burtynsky: The 10,000-Year Gallery
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - July 23, 2008
Burtynsky's massively informative photographs change minds and influence policy. Their historical value will grow with time. He presents his plan for a 10,000-year Gallery to accompany the 10,000-year Clock.
Wayne Clough: Smithsonian Forever
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - August 17, 2009
The Smithsonian's Secretary Wayne Clough spells out the Institution prospects including the long-term future of science and education.
Gwyneth Cravens with Rip Anderson: Power to Save the World
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - September 14, 2007
The best introduction to the current realities and benefits of nuclear power is Cravens book
Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy.
Wade Davis: The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - January 13, 2010
The Explorer-in-Residence at National Geographic speaks on hanging out with traditional peoples and exploring their religious practices.
Peter Diamandis: Long-term X-Prizes
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - September 12, 2008
The X Prize contest founder explores what might be prize-worthy with a hundred-year or thousand-year goal.
David Eagleman: Six Easy Steps to Avert the Collapse of Civilization
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - April 1, 2010
Neuroscientist and author Eagleman spells out how to save the world.
Paul Ehrlich: The Dominant Animal: Human Evolution and the Environment
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - June 6, 2008
Ehrlich explores whether cultural evolution really does show patterns that would yield predictive theory.
Drew Endy vs. Jim Thomas: Synthetic Biology Debate
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - November 17, 2008
Endy and Thomas debate the question: Is synthetic biology reckless or wise from the perspective of "the long now?"
Juan Enriquez: Mapping the Frontier of Knowledge
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - October 12, 2007
Enriquez examines how we image and imagine what we are exploring, and thus image and imagine exploration itself.
Daniel Everett: Endangered Languages, Lost Knowledge and the Future
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - March 20, 2009
Everett proposes a revolution in anthropology and linguistics: culture profoundly shapes language, even at the most fundamental level.
Niall Ferguson and Peter Schwartz: Historian vs. Futurist on Human Progress
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - April 28, 2008
Historian Ferguson and futurist Schwartz disagree on the nature of human progress. Both regard history as highly contingent. The question is, contingent on what?
Francis Fukuyama: "The End of History" Revisited
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - June 28, 2007
Fukuyama examines conflict with and within Islam, the need for a diffuse form of global governance to deal with problems.
Katherine Fulton with Richard Rockefeller and Larry Brilliant: The Deeper News About the New Philanthropy
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - November 3, 2006
Philanthropy across the board is in the midst of intense, potentially revolutionary, transition. There's new money, new leaders, new rules, new technology, and new needs.
Arthur Ganson: Machines and the Breath of Time
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - September 14, 2009
Ganson uses humble materials to create kinetic sculptures, and his work has been an ongoing inspiration for the 10,000 Year Clock project at Long Now.
Frank Gavin: Five Ways to Use History Well
DVD : Long Now Foundation : Release Date - July 12, 2010
Gavin shows how historians can improve policy decisions by bringing the perspectives of history, chronological proportionality, unintended consequences, and recognizing the limits of policy.