Current DVD Releases

Drew Endy vs. Jim Thomas: Synthetic Biology Debate

Bioengineer Drew Endy is the leading enabler of open-source biotechnology. Technology activist Jim Thomas is the leading critic of biotech, based with the ETC Group in Ottawa. Synthetic biology is swarming ahead all over the world, at a self-accelerating pace far greater than Moore's Law, with a range of impacts far greater than genetically engineered food crops. Endy and Thomas debate the question: Is synthetic biology reckless or wise from the perspective of "the long now?"

Speakers: Drew Endy and Jim Thomas
Director: Chris Baldwin, Shoulder High Productions
Producer: Stewart Brand and The Long Now Foundation
Studio: Whole Earth Films
DVD FORMAT: NTSC, Widescreen
Region: All Regions
Language: English
Number of discs: 1
Rating: Unrated
Release date: November 17, 2008
Duration: 124 minutes

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